The body of the saxophone is a resonating chamber in which columns of air vibrate to produce sound.real dolls The saxophone body is conical, the diameter of the horn is larger than that of other woodwind instruments, and the volume is relatively high. There are multiple sound holes of different sizes on the tube body and a complex key system [3] (based on the Boehm key system). 21 to 23 buttons control the closing or opening of a series of pads through a rod (rod), and at the same time change the effective length of the tube body (the distance from the mouthpiece to the nearest opened hole, all holes are closed) The entire length of the tube), the effective length of the tube controls the wavelength of the sound wave, thus producing different pitches. It is easy to imagine that the tightness of the cover is very important for the pitch. There are two small openings controlled by octaves on the tube body (one of which may be on the neck tube). When opened, it can interfere with fundamental frequency sound waves to create high-frequency sounds.
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